// Page Transition ---------- // Image Load Animation let loadTarget4 = $(".transition-img.n1"); let loadTarget1 = $(".transition-img.n3"); let loadTarget2 = $(".transition-img.n2"); let loadTarget3 = $(".transition-img-wrap"); let loadImage1 = gsap.fromTo( loadTarget1, { clipPath: "polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%)" //"circle(0% at 50% 50%)" }, { paused: true, duration: 1, clipPath: "polygon(100% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 100% 100%)", //"circle(100% at 50% 50%)", ease: "power1.inOut" } ); let loadImage2 = gsap.fromTo( loadTarget2, { clipPath: "polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%)" }, { paused: true, duration: 1.2, clipPath: "polygon(100% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 100% 100%)", ease: "power1.inOut" } ); let loadImage3 = gsap.fromTo( loadTarget3, { clipPath: "circle(10% at 50% 50%)" }, { paused: true, duration: 1.2, clipPath: "circle(100% at 50% 50%)", ease: "power1.inOut" } ); let loadInicioMask = gsap.fromTo( loadTarget3, { clipPath: "circle(0% at 50% 50%)" }, { paused: true, duration: 1.2, clipPath: "circle(10% at 50% 50%)", ease: "power1.inOut" } ); let loadImage4 = gsap.to(loadTarget4, { paused: true, duration: 0.5, width: "100%", height: "100%", ease: "power1.inOut" }); // NEW TEXT LOAD function textLoad() { let targetElement = $("[load=anim]").find(".chars"); $("[load=anim]").each(function (index) { let tload = gsap.timeline({}); tload.to(targetElement, { opacity: 1, duration: 1, stagger: { amount: 0.8, ease: "none", from: "random" } }); }); } // variables let customEase = "M0,0,C0,0,0.13,0.34,0.238,0.442,0.305,0.506,0.322,0.514,0.396,0.54,0.478,0.568,0.468,0.56,0.522,0.584,0.572,0.606,0.61,0.719,0.714,0.826,0.798,0.912,1,1,1,1"; let counter = { value: 0 }; let loaderDuration = 4.3; function updateLoaderText() { let progress = Math.round(counter.value); $("[progress=text]").text(progress); } function endLoaderAnimation() { $(".transition-bottom").addClass("close"); setTimeout(() => { $(".transition-wrap").addClass("close"); $(".home-page-trasition").click(); setTimeout(() => { $(".transition").css("display", "none"); }, 1000); setTimeout(() => { textLoad(); }, 200); }, 900); } $("body").addClass("no-scroll-transition"); let tlLoad = gsap.timeline({ onComplete: endLoaderAnimation, onStart: () => { $(".transition-trigger").click(); loadInicioMask.play().delay(0); loadImage1.play().delay(1.5); loadImage2.play().delay(3); loadImage3.play().delay(4.5); loadImage4.play().delay(4.5); } }); tlLoad.to(counter, { value: 100, onUpdate: updateLoaderText, duration: loaderDuration, ease: CustomEase.create("custom", customEase) }); // Depois da animação Scroll setTimeout(() => { $("body").removeClass("no-scroll-transition"); }, 3000); // On Click let transitionTrigger = $(".transition-trigger"); let introDurationMS = 0; let exitDurationMS = 1000; let excludedClass = "no-transition"; // On Link Click $("a").on("click", function (e) { if ( $(this).prop("hostname") == window.location.host && $(this).attr("href").indexOf("#") === -1 && !$(this).hasClass(excludedClass) && $(this).attr("target") !== "_blank" && transitionTrigger.length > 0 ) { e.preventDefault(); $("body").addClass("no-scroll-transition"); let transitionURL = $(this).attr("href"); transitionTrigger.click(); setTimeout(function () { window.location = transitionURL; }, exitDurationMS); } }); // On Back Button Tap window.onpageshow = function (event) { if (event.persisted) { window.location.reload(); } }; // Hide Transition on Window Width Resize setTimeout(() => { $(window).on("resize", function () { setTimeout(() => { $(".transition").css("display", "none"); }, 50); }); }, introDurationMS); // End Page Transition ---------- // Global Links - Global CODE ------------ // Link Politica Privacidade EN let linkPrivacidadeEN = $("#privacidade").attr("href"); $("[privacy=link]").attr("href", linkPrivacidadeEN); // Link Politica Privacidade PT let linkPrivacidadePT = $("#privacidadePT").attr("href"); $("[privacidade=link]").attr("href", linkPrivacidadePT); // END Global Links - Global CODE ------------ // MOUSE GSAP ---------- gsap.set(".mouse-anda", { xPercent: -50, yPercent: -50 }); const ball = document.querySelector(".mouse-anda"); const pos = { x: window.innerWidth / 2, y: window.innerHeight / 2 }; const mouse = { x: pos.x, y: pos.y }; const speed = 0.2; const xSet = gsap.quickSetter(ball, "x", "px"); const ySet = gsap.quickSetter(ball, "y", "px"); window.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => { mouse.x = e.x; mouse.y = e.y; }); gsap.ticker.add(() => { // adjust speed for higher refresh monitors const dt = 1.0 - Math.pow(1.0 - speed, gsap.ticker.deltaRatio()); pos.x += (mouse.x - pos.x) * dt; pos.y += (mouse.y - pos.y) * dt; xSet(pos.x); ySet(pos.y); }); // END MOUSE GSAP ---------- // Mouse Anda 2 gsap.set(".mouse-outro", { xPercent: -50, yPercent: -50 }); const ball2 = document.querySelector(".mouse-outro"); const pos2 = { x: window.innerWidth / 2, y: window.innerHeight / 2 }; const mouse2 = { x: pos.x, y: pos.y }; const speed2 = 0.15; const xSet2 = gsap.quickSetter(ball2, "x", "px"); const ySet2 = gsap.quickSetter(ball2, "y", "px"); window.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => { mouse2.x = e.x; mouse2.y = e.y; }); gsap.ticker.add(() => { // adjust speed for higher refresh monitors const dt = 1.0 - Math.pow(1.0 - speed2, gsap.ticker.deltaRatio()); pos2.x += (mouse2.x - pos2.x) * dt; pos2.y += (mouse2.y - pos2.y) * dt; xSet2(pos2.x); ySet2(pos2.y); }); // END Mouse Anda 2 // Mouse Anda 3 gsap.set(".mouse-outro-2", { xPercent: -50, yPercent: -50 }); const ball3 = document.querySelector(".mouse-outro-2"); const pos3 = { x: window.innerWidth / 2, y: window.innerHeight / 2 }; const mouse3 = { x: pos.x, y: pos.y }; const speed3 = 0.17; const xSet3 = gsap.quickSetter(ball3, "x", "px"); const ySet3 = gsap.quickSetter(ball3, "y", "px"); window.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => { mouse3.x = e.x; mouse3.y = e.y; }); gsap.ticker.add(() => { // adjust speed for higher refresh monitors const dt = 1.0 - Math.pow(1.0 - speed3, gsap.ticker.deltaRatio()); pos3.x += (mouse3.x - pos3.x) * dt; pos3.y += (mouse3.y - pos3.y) * dt; xSet3(pos3.x); ySet3(pos3.y); }); // END Mouse Anda 3 // MOUSE $( ".cta, .big-cta, .availability-button, .vision-hover-text, .form-botton, .bemine-link, .inquire-open-info-links, .c-form_field, .form-accept, .decline, .cookies-link" ) .not(".nav-link, .small-links") .mouseenter(function () { $(".mouse").addClass("hover"); 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$(".glass-block").addClass("expand"); }); $(".ap-img-1, .ap-img-50, .ap-img-4").mouseleave(function () { $(".mouse").removeClass("expand"); $(".mouse-wrap").removeClass("expand"); $(".expand-text").removeClass("expand"); $(".expand-text-none").removeClass("expand"); $(".glass-block").removeClass("expand"); }); $( ".vision-section, .apartments-section, .location-section, .availability-section, .hero-scroll, .availability-component" ).mouseenter(function () { $(".mouse, .mouse-outro, .mouse-outro-2").addClass("black"); }); $(".hero-scroll").mouseleave(function () { $(".mouse, .mouse-outro, .mouse-outro-2").removeClass("black"); }); $(".island-section, .hero-section, .inquire-open, .inquire-section").mouseenter( function () { $(".mouse, .mouse-outro, .mouse-outro-2").removeClass("black"); } ); // Add class on mouse down $("body").mousedown(function () { $(".mouse").addClass("pressed"); }); $("body").mouseup(function () { $(".mouse").removeClass("pressed"); }); // END MOUSE // HORIZONTAL SCROLL ---------- let horizontalM = gsap.matchMedia(); horizontalM.add("(min-width: 991px)", () => { // Optional - Set sticky section heights based on inner content width // Makes scroll timing feel more natural function setTrackHeights() { $(".section-height").each(function (index) { let trackWidth = $(this).find(".track").outerWidth(); $(this).height(trackWidth); }); } setTrackHeights(); window.addEventListener("resize", function () { setTrackHeights(); }); // Horizontal scroll let tlMain = gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".section-height", start: "top top", end: "98% bottom", //"+=15000" "98% bottom" scrub: 3 } }) .to(".track", { xPercent: -100, ease: "none" }); // SCROLL TO home document.querySelectorAll(".nav-link.home").forEach((element) => { element.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let scrollContainer = document.querySelector(".track"); const id = this.getAttribute("href").split("#")[1]; const targetElement = document.getElementById(id); const element2 = targetElement.offsetWidth / 0; const scrollToHere = (targetElement.offsetLeft + element2) / (scrollContainer.scrollWidth / (scrollContainer.scrollWidth - window.innerWidth)); console.log(scrollToHere); console.log(element2); gsap.to(window, { scrollTo: scrollToHere, duration: 2 }); }); }); // SCROLL TO a document.querySelectorAll(".nav-link.a, .big-cta").forEach((element) => { element.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let scrollContainer = document.querySelector(".track"); const id = this.getAttribute("href").split("#")[1]; const targetElement = document.getElementById(id); const element2 = targetElement.offsetWidth / 15; const scrollToHere = (targetElement.offsetLeft + element2) / (scrollContainer.scrollWidth / (scrollContainer.scrollWidth - window.innerWidth)); console.log(scrollToHere); console.log(element2); gsap.to(window, { scrollTo: scrollToHere, duration: 2 }); }); }); // SCROLL TO d document.querySelectorAll(".nav-link.d").forEach((element) => { element.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let scrollContainer = document.querySelector(".track"); const id = this.getAttribute("href").split("#")[1]; const targetElement = document.getElementById(id); const element2 = targetElement.offsetWidth / 50; const scrollToHere = (targetElement.offsetLeft + element2) / (scrollContainer.scrollWidth / (scrollContainer.scrollWidth - window.innerWidth)); console.log(scrollToHere); console.log(element2); gsap.to(window, { scrollTo: scrollToHere, duration: 2 }); }); }); // SCROLL TO b document.querySelectorAll(".nav-link.b").forEach((element) => { element.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let scrollContainer = document.querySelector(".track"); const id = this.getAttribute("href").split("#")[1]; const targetElement = document.getElementById(id); const element2 = targetElement.offsetWidth / 20; const scrollToHere = (targetElement.offsetLeft + element2) / (scrollContainer.scrollWidth / (scrollContainer.scrollWidth - window.innerWidth)); console.log(scrollToHere); console.log(element2); gsap.to(window, { scrollTo: scrollToHere, duration: 2 }); }); }); // SCROLL TO c document.querySelectorAll(".nav-link.c, .cta-link.c").forEach((element) => { element.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let scrollContainer = document.querySelector(".track"); const id = this.getAttribute("href").split("#")[1]; const targetElement = document.getElementById(id); const element2 = targetElement.offsetWidth / 12; const scrollToHere = (targetElement.offsetLeft + element2) / (scrollContainer.scrollWidth / (scrollContainer.scrollWidth - window.innerWidth)); console.log(scrollToHere); console.log(element2); gsap.to(window, { scrollTo: scrollToHere, duration: 2 }); }); }); // Animations ______ // Nav Color 1 gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".vision-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left 50%", end: "right left", toggleActions: "play none none reverse" //markers: true } }) .to(".nav", { color: "#120902", duration: 0.3, ease: "none" }) .to( ".nav-ball", { backgroundColor: "#120902", duration: 0.3, ease: "none" }, 0 ); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".apartments-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left 50%", end: "right left", toggleActions: "play none none reverse" //markers: true } }) .to(".nav", { color: "#120902", duration: 0.3, ease: "none" }) .to( ".nav-ball", { backgroundColor: "#120902", duration: 0.3, ease: "none" }, 0 ); // Nav Color 2 gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".island-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left 50%", end: "right left", toggleActions: "play none none reverse" //markers: true } }) .to(".nav", { color: "white", duration: 0.3, ease: "none" }) .to( ".nav-ball", { backgroundColor: "white", duration: 0.3, ease: "none" }, 0 ); // Nav Color 3 gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".location-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left 50%", end: "right left", toggleActions: "play none none reverse" //markers: true } }) .to(".nav", { color: "#120902", duration: 0.3, ease: "none" }) .to( ".nav-ball", { backgroundColor: "#120902", duration: 0.3, ease: "none" }, 0 ); // NAV BALL HOME ------- let navHome = $("#nav-home").find(".nav-ball"); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".hero-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left left+=150", end: "right left", //markers: true, toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse" } }) .fromTo("#nav-home", { pointerEvents: "auto" }, { pointerEvents: "none" }) .to( navHome, { x: "-100%", opacity: 1, duration: 0.35, ease: "power1.out" }, 0 ); // Click para a bola ficar no sitio correto $("#nav-vision").on("click", function () { $(".nav-link").css("pointer-events", "auto"); setTimeout(() => { $(this).css("pointer-events", "none"); }, 100); }); // NAV BALL VISION ------- let navVision = $("#nav-vision").find(".nav-ball"); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".vision-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left left", end: "right left", //markers: true, toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse" } }) .fromTo("#nav-vision", { pointerEvents: "auto" }, { pointerEvents: "none" }) .to( navVision, { x: "-100%", opacity: 1, duration: 0.35, ease: "power1.out" }, 0 ); // Click para a bola ficar no sitio correto $("#nav-vision").on("click", function () { $(".nav-link").css("pointer-events", "auto"); setTimeout(() => { $(this).css("pointer-events", "none"); }, 100); }); // NAV BALL APARTMENTS ------- let navApartments = $("#nav-apartments").find(".nav-ball"); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".apartments-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left left", end: "right left", //markers: true, toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse" } }) .fromTo( "#nav-apartments", { pointerEvents: "auto" }, { pointerEvents: "none" } ) .to( navApartments, { x: "-100%", opacity: 1, duration: 0.35, ease: "power1.out" }, 0 ); // Click para a bola ficar no sitio correto $("#nav-apartments").on("click", function () { $(".nav-link").css("pointer-events", "auto"); setTimeout(() => { $(this).css("pointer-events", "none"); }, 100); }); // NAV BALL ISLAND ------- let navIsland = $("#nav-island").find(".nav-ball"); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".island-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left left", end: "right left", //markers: true, toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse" } }) .fromTo("#nav-island", { pointerEvents: "auto" }, { pointerEvents: "none" }) .to( navIsland, { x: "-100%", opacity: 1, duration: 0.35, ease: "power1.out" }, 0 ); // Click para a bola ficar no sitio correto $("#nav-island").on("click", function () { $(".nav-link").css("pointer-events", "auto"); setTimeout(() => { $(this).css("pointer-events", "none"); }, 100); }); // NAV BALL LOCATION ------- let navLocation = $("#nav-location").find(".nav-ball"); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".location-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left left", end: "right left", //markers: true, toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse" } }) .fromTo( "#nav-location", { pointerEvents: "auto" }, { pointerEvents: "none" } ) .to( navLocation, { x: "-100%", opacity: 1, duration: 0.35, ease: "power1.out" }, 0 ); // Click para a bola ficar no sitio correto $("#nav-location").on("click", function () { $(".nav-link").css("pointer-events", "auto"); setTimeout(() => { $(this).css("pointer-events", "none"); }, 100); }); // NAV BALL AVAILABILITY ------- let navAvailability = $("#nav-availability").find(".nav-ball"); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".availability-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left left", end: "right left", //markers: true, toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse" } }) .fromTo( "#nav-availability", { pointerEvents: "auto" }, { pointerEvents: "none" } ) .to( navAvailability, { x: "-100%", opacity: 1, duration: 0.35, ease: "power1.out" }, 0 ); // Click para a bola ficar no sitio correto $("#nav-availability").on("click", function () { $(".nav-link").css("pointer-events", "auto"); setTimeout(() => { $(this).css("pointer-events", "none"); }, 100); }); // EXPAND IMAGE ---------- // Z-INDEX $(".ap-img-a-1, .ap-img-a-2, .ap-img-a-3, .ap-img-a-4").on( "click", function () { $(".ap-img-a-1, .ap-img-a-2, .ap-img-a-3, .ap-img-a-4").css( "z-index", "2" ); $(this).css("z-index", "20"); } ); // Animation FLIP const img1 = $(".ap-img-a-1"); const img1back = $(".ap-img-full-screen-1"); function doFlip() { // Get the initial state const state = Flip.getState(img1); // Animate from the initial state to the end state $(".ap-img-full-screen-1").addClass("visible"); Flip.from(state, { duration: 1, targets: ".ap-img-full-screen-1", absolute: true, zIndex: 1100, ease: "power2.inOut" }); } function backFlip() { // Get the initial state const state = Flip.getState(img1back); $(".ap-img-full-screen-1").removeClass("visible"); // Animate from the initial state to the end state Flip.from(state, { duration: 1, targets: ".ap-img-a-1", absolute: true, zIndex: 1100, ease: "power2.inOut" }); } // click anywhere to flip $(".ap-img-a-1").on("click", function () { $("body").addClass("no-scroll-transition"); doFlip(); }); $(".ap-img-full-screen-1").on("click", function () { $("body").removeClass("no-scroll-transition"); backFlip(); }); // EXPAND IMAGE const img2 = $(".ap-img-a-2"); const img2back = $(".ap-img-full-screen-2"); function doFlip2() { // Get the initial state const state = Flip.getState(img2); // Animate from the initial state to the end state $(".ap-img-full-screen-2").addClass("visible"); Flip.from(state, { duration: 1, targets: ".ap-img-full-screen-2", absolute: true, zIndex: 1100, ease: "power2.inOut" }); } function backFlip2() { // Get the initial state const state = Flip.getState(img2back, { props: "z, index" }); $(".ap-img-full-screen-2").removeClass("visible"); // Animate from the initial state to the end state Flip.from(state, { duration: 1, targets: ".ap-img-a-2", absolute: true, zIndex: 1100, ease: "power2.inOut" }); } // click anywhere to flip $(".ap-img-a-2").on("click", function () { $("body").addClass("no-scroll-transition"); doFlip2(); }); $(".ap-img-full-screen-2").on("click", function () { $("body").removeClass("no-scroll-transition"); backFlip2(); }); // EXPAND IMAGE const img3 = $(".ap-img-a-3"); const img3back = $(".ap-img-full-screen-3"); function doFlip3() { // Get the initial state const state = Flip.getState(img3); // Animate from the initial state to the end state $(".ap-img-full-screen-3").addClass("visible"); Flip.from(state, { duration: 1, targets: ".ap-img-full-screen-3", absolute: true, zIndex: 1100, ease: "power2.inOut" }); } function backFlip3() { // Get the initial state const state = Flip.getState(img3back, { props: "z, index" }); $(".ap-img-full-screen-3").removeClass("visible"); // Animate from the initial state to the end state Flip.from(state, { duration: 1, targets: ".ap-img-a-3", absolute: true, zIndex: 1100, ease: "power2.inOut" }); } // click anywhere to flip $(".ap-img-a-3").on("click", function () { $("body").addClass("no-scroll-transition"); doFlip3(); }); $(".ap-img-full-screen-3").on("click", function () { $("body").removeClass("no-scroll-transition"); backFlip3(); }); // EXPAND IMAGE const img4 = $(".ap-img-a-4"); const img4back = $(".ap-img-full-screen-4"); function doFlip4() { // Get the initial state const state = Flip.getState(img4); // Animate from the initial state to the end state $(".ap-img-full-screen-4").addClass("visible"); Flip.from(state, { duration: 1, targets: ".ap-img-full-screen-4", absolute: true, zIndex: 1100, ease: "power2.inOut" }); } function backFlip4() { // Get the initial state const state = Flip.getState(img4back, { props: "z, index" }); $(".ap-img-full-screen-4").removeClass("visible"); // Animate from the initial state to the end state Flip.from(state, { duration: 1, targets: ".ap-img-a-4", absolute: true, zIndex: 1100, ease: "power2.inOut" }); } // click anywhere to flip $(".ap-img-a-4").on("click", function () { $("body").addClass("no-scroll-transition"); doFlip4(); }); $(".ap-img-full-screen-4").on("click", function () { $("body").removeClass("no-scroll-transition"); backFlip4(); }); // END EXPAND IMAGE // THE ISLAND ------ gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".island-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left left", end: "right right", scrub: true //markers: true } }) .to(".island-component", { xPercent: 100, ease: "none" }); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".island-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "10% left", end: "right right", scrub: true //toggleActions: "play none none reverse", //markers: true } }) .to(".island-background-video", { width: "100%", height: "100%", marginTop: 0 }); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".island-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "10% left", end: "20% left", scrub: true //toggleActions: "play none none reverse", //markers: true } }) .to(".island-cima", { y: "-50%", rotationX: "60_cw", opacity: 0, ease: "none" }) .to( ".island-baixo", { y: "50%", rotationX: "-60_ccw", opacity: 0, ease: "none" }, 0 ); // END THE ISLAND // LOCATION ------ gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".location-trigger", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left left", end: "right right", scrub: true //markers: true } }) .to(".location-sticky", { x: "100vw", ease: "none" }) .to(".location-update-line", { height: "100%", ease: "none" }, 0); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".location-trigger", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "18% left", end: "right right", //scrub: true, toggleActions: "play none none reverse" //markers: true } }) .to(".location-info-wrap.n1", { //scale: 0.5, opacity: 0, ease: "power1.inOut", duration: 1 }) .to( ".location-info-wrap.n2", { scale: 1, opacity: 1, ease: "power1.inOut", duration: 1 }, 0.5 ); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".location-trigger", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "36% left", end: "right right", //scrub: true, toggleActions: "play none none reverse" //markers: true } }) .to(".location-info-wrap.n2", { //scale: 0.5, opacity: 0, ease: "power1.inOut", duration: 1 }) .to( ".location-info-wrap.n3", { scale: 1, opacity: 1, ease: "power1.inOut", duration: 1 }, 0.5 ); // END LOCATION // AVAILABILITY ------ var trackHeight = $(this).outerHeight(); function setAvailabityHeights() { $(".scroll-track").each(function (index) { trackHeight = $(this).outerHeight(); //$(this).height(trackHeight); }); } setAvailabityHeights(); window.addEventListener("resize", function () { setAvailabityHeights(); }); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".availability-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left left", end: "right right", scrub: true //markers: true } }) .to(".availability-anda", { x: "100vw", ease: "none" }); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".availability-scroll-absolute", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left left", end: "right right", scrub: true //markers: true } }) .to(".scroll-track", { y: "-" + trackHeight, ease: "none" }); // END AVAILABILITY // TEXT ANIMATION ----------- $("[anim=1]").each(function (index) { let triggerElement = $(this); let targetElement = $(this).find(".chars"); let tlwords = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: triggerElement, containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "0% right-=150", end: "right right", //markers: true, toggleActions: "play none none reverse" } }); tlwords.from(targetElement, { opacity: 0, duration: 1, stagger: { amount: 0.8, ease: "none", from: "random" } }); }); // END Titulo // IMAGEM APARECE $(".vision-img-wrap").each(function (index) { let triggerElement = $(this); let targetElement = $(this); let castanho = $(this).siblings(".vision-img-brown"); let tlImg = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: triggerElement, containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "0% right-=150", end: "right right", //markers: true, toggleActions: "play none none reverse" } }); tlImg.fromTo( castanho, { clipPath: "polygon(0% 0%, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, 0% 100%)" }, { duration: 0.7, clipPath: "polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%)", ease: "power1.out" } ); tlImg.fromTo( targetElement, { clipPath: "polygon(0% 0%, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, 0% 100%)" }, { duration: 0.7, clipPath: "polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%)", ease: "power1.out" }, 0.5 ); }); // END TEXT ANIMATION ----------- // IMAGE PARALLAX ------- // Hero Image gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".hero-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "left left", end: "right left", scrub: true //markers: true } }) .fromTo(".hero-img-background", { x: "0%" }, { x: "30%" }); // ISLAND Image gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".island-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "50% left", end: "right left", scrub: true //markers: true } }) .fromTo(".island-background-video", { x: "0%" }, { x: "30%" }); // LOCATION Image gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".location-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "40% left", end: "right left", scrub: true //markers: true } }) .fromTo(".location-big-img", { x: "-20%" }, { x: "20%" }); // FOOTER gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".availability-section", containerAnimation: tlMain, start: "25% left", end: "right 99%", scrub: true //markers: true } }) .from(".inquire-section", { y: "-60%" }) .from(".inquire-background-img", { y: "30%" }, 0); // END IMAGE PARALLAX ------- }); // END HORIZONTAL SCROLL ---------- // Form Floating Label ------- $(".c-text-field").on("focusin", function () { $(this).siblings(".form-field-label").addClass("form-field-focused"); $(this).siblings(".form-field-label").addClass("focused"); }); $(".c-text-field").on("focusout", function () { if ($(this).val().length == 0) { $(this).siblings(".form-field-label").removeClass("form-field-focused"); $(this).siblings(".form-field-label").removeClass("focused"); } }); // End Form Floating Label ------- // Form Error $(".c-text-field").removeClass("cc-error"); function errorMessage() { if ($(".c-text-field").hasClass("cc-error")) { $(".form-please-wrap").addClass("error"); } else { $(".form-please-wrap").removeClass("error"); } } $(".c-form_field, .form-button-wrap").on("mouseenter mouseleave", function () { errorMessage(); }); $(".form-botton, .form").on("click", function () { setTimeout(() => { errorMessage(); }, 200); }); // END Form Error // Inquire Open -------- // NEW TEXT LOAD function textInquire() { let targetElement = $("[inquire=text]").find(".chars"); $("[inquire=text]").each(function (index) { let tload = gsap.timeline({}); tload.to(targetElement, { opacity: 1, duration: 1, stagger: { amount: 0.8, ease: "none", from: "random" } }); }); } $(".nav-link.inquire, .cta-link.inquire, .inquire-cta-wrap").on( "click", function () { $(".inquire-open").removeClass("close"); $("body").addClass("no-scroll-transition"); setTimeout(() => { $(".inquire-wrap").removeClass("close"); setTimeout(() => { textInquire(); }, 600); }, 100); } ); $(".nav-link.inquire-close").on("click", function () { $(".inquire-wrap").addClass("close"); $("body").removeClass("no-scroll-transition"); setTimeout(() => { $("[inquire=text]").find(".chars").css("opacity", "0"); $(".inquire-open").addClass("close"); }, 1000); }); // END Inquire Open // Resize PC to TABLET - TABLET to PC - Reload Site var pc = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 992px)"); var tabletM = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 991px)"); var pcM; var tabletV; function pcSize() { if (pc.matches) { pcM = true; } } pcSize(); function tabletSize() { if (tabletM.matches) { tabletV = true; } } tabletSize(); $(window).on("resize", function () { function tablet() { if ((tabletV === true || tabletM.matches) && (pcM === true || pc.matches)) { // If media query matches location.reload(); pcM = false; tabletV = false; } } tablet(); pcSize(); tabletSize(); }); // END Resize PC to TABLET - TABLET to PC - Reload Site // MOBILE GSAP horizontalM.add("(max-width: 991px)", () => { // Nav Color 1 gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".vision-section", start: "top top", end: "bottom bottom", toggleActions: "play none none reverse" //markers: true } }) .to(".nav", { color: "#120902", duration: 0.3, ease: "none" }); // Nav Color 2 gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".island-section", start: "top top", end: "bottom bottom", toggleActions: "play none none reverse" //markers: true } }) .to(".nav", { color: "white", duration: 0.3, ease: "none" }); // Nav Color 3 gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".location-section", start: "top top", end: "bottom bottom", toggleActions: "play none none reverse" //markers: true } }) .to(".nav", { color: "#120902", duration: 0.3, ease: "none" }); // END MOBILE GSAP // TEXT ANIMATION ----------- $("[anim=1]").each(function (index) { let triggerElement = $(this); let targetElement = $(this).find(".chars"); let tlwords = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: triggerElement, start: "top 90%", end: "bottom bottom", //markers: true, toggleActions: "play none none reverse" } }); tlwords.from(targetElement, { opacity: 0, duration: 1, stagger: { amount: 0.8, ease: "none", from: "random" } }); }); // LOCATION ------ gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".location-section", start: "top top", end: "80% bottom", scrub: true //markers: true } }) .to(".location-update-line", { width: "100%", ease: "none" }); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".location-section", start: "15% top", end: "bottom bottom", toggleActions: "play none none reverse" //markers: true } }) .to(".location-info-wrap.n1", { //scale: 0.5, opacity: 0, ease: "power1.inOut", duration: 1 }) .to( ".location-info-wrap.n2", { scale: 1, opacity: 1, ease: "power1.inOut", duration: 1 }, 0.5 ); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".location-section", start: "30% top", end: "bottom bottom", //scrub: true, toggleActions: "play none none reverse" //markers: true } }) .to(".location-info-wrap.n2", { //scale: 0.5, opacity: 0, ease: "power1.inOut", duration: 1 }) .to( ".location-info-wrap.n3", { scale: 1, opacity: 1, ease: "power1.inOut", duration: 1 }, 0.5 ); // END LOCATION // IMAGE PARALLAX -------- // Hero gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".hero-section", start: "top top", end: "bottom top", scrub: true // markers: true } }) .fromTo(".hero-img-background", { y: "0%" }, { y: "15%" }); // END IMAGE PARALLAX -------- }); // Image HOVER Animation $("#one24-img, #island-img").each(function () { // Each define esta function a cada um com esta class let targetElement1 = $(".vision-img.n1"); let targetElement2 = $(".vision-img.n2"); let animation1 = gsap.fromTo( targetElement1, { clipPath: "polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%)" }, { paused: true, duration: 0.75, clipPath: "polygon(100% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 100% 100%)", ease: "power1.out" } ); let animation2 = gsap.fromTo( targetElement2, { clipPath: "polygon(0% 0%, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, 0% 100%)" }, { paused: true, duration: 0.75, clipPath: "polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%)", ease: "power1.out", onComplete: () => { animation1island.progress(0).pause(); animation2island.progress(0).pause(); } } ); let animation1island = gsap.fromTo( targetElement2, { clipPath: "polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%)" }, { paused: true, duration: 0.75, clipPath: "polygon(100% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 100% 100%)", ease: "power1.out" } ); let animation2island = gsap.fromTo( targetElement1, { clipPath: "polygon(0% 0%, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, 0% 100%)" }, { paused: true, duration: 0.75, clipPath: "polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%)", ease: "power1.out", onComplete: () => { animation1.progress(0).pause(); animation2.progress(0).pause(); } } ); // Problemas na animação- facil resolução var islandV = false; $("#island-img").on("mouseenter", function () { if (islandV === true) { animation1.play(); animation2.play(); } }); $("#one24-img").on("mouseenter", function () { islandV = true; animation1island.play(); animation2island.play(); }); }); // END Image Hover Animation